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Kodam Siliwangi Logo vector (.cdr) Download

Kodam Siliwangi Logo vector (.cdr) Download

Kodam Siliwangi Logo attached to the CorelDraw file has the format (cdr) versions of X3 and .EPS Preview Files in PNG format, with various file formats (CDR, EPS) so you can easily and flexibly open those vector files that we will attach.

So to open the file, (cdr file) then you need software / application CorelDraw (Min CorelDraw X3) with existing file format hopefully you can design custom logo / vector graphics scalable (edit size or other settings but not change original Logo design change the scale, outline the property with your favorite apps to get a great look for your design work).

Download Logo Kodam Siliwangi

  • Name : Kodam Siliwangi Logo
  • File Type : .cdr
  • File Size : 57 kb
  • Description : Komando Daerah Militer III/Siliwangi (sering disingkat Kodam III, Kodam Siliwangi, atau Kodam III/Siliwangi) merupakan Komando Kewilayahan Pertahanan yang meliputi provinsi Jawa Barat dan provinsi Banten. Markas Komando berada di Jl. Aceh No. 69 Kota Bandung, Provinsi Jawa Barat.
Kodam Siliwangi Logo.cdr (corel X3)
by downloading this file you agree to the terms of use
Tags : Kodam Siliwangi Logo, cdr, EPS, AI, PNG, PDF, SVG

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